Luis Cebrian Plaza
Attorney with degree in Law at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 1990. He is registered a the Cuenca Bar Association.
He has specialized his practice by attending and successfully completing Legal and Tax courses at Universidad ICAI-ICADE, Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF), and other courses on Bankruptcy and Criminal Law at the Cuenca Bar Association.
He is specialized in Labor Law, also in Taxation and Administrative and Public Law.
María del Rosario Fraile García
Attorney with degree in Law at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in 1991. She is registered a the Cuenca Bar Association.
She is in charge of the financial and accountability area. Experienced in negotiate M&A operations, debts and bank contracts. Expert in Real Estate and Banking Law.
She is specialized in Criminal Law in Women's studies, with practice in defending every kind of conflict in this area.
She has completed successfully specialization courses on the Cuenca Bar Association on Administrative Procedure, Data Privacy, Bankruptcy or Women's Studies, among others.

Luis Cebrian Fraile
Registered attorney at the Cuenca Bar Association.
He has obtained the degree in Law at UCLM, in 2016, Master 1 en Droit Européen at the Université Paris-Est Crèteil, in 2016, Máster de Acceso a la Abogacía, in 2018, and LLM in Derecho Transnacional de los Negocios at IE Law School, in 2019.
He has completed law courses successfully such as: French Law, at UNED, Blockchain: Legal and Compliance, Bankruptcy and Business Conflicts at IE Law School, and also Territorial Law, Constitutional and Political Law at UCLM. He has also completed financial and economic studies with the MBA program at IE Business School.
Expert in Compliance, Money Laundering and Enterprises Liability.
He speaks Spanish, French, English and Italian.
Mateo Cebrian Fraile
Attorney with experience in Civil and Business Law. He obtained his degree in Law at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), in 2018, he coursed law studies at Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, in Warsaw (Poland). Master de Acceso a la Abogacía at UCLM, in 2018 and LLM in Derecho Transnacional de los Negocios at IE Law School, in 2019.
He has completed successfully law courses such as: French Law at UNED, Blockchain: Big Data & Taxation, M&A Inside, counseling in Private Equity operations, at IE Law School, among others. He has also completed financial and economic studies with the MBA program at IE Business School.
He speaks Spanish, French, English and Greek.